Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Take Home
Basic requirements: Pen an elegant, yet concise, 7-8 page typewritten response to one of the exciting questions from each section below. Answers should: (a) present a compelling argument; (b) use at least three or four specific historical examples; and (c) cite material from the readings and/or the presentations, as relevant.
Due, via email to me, by 15 June. If you need more time, just let me know.
Section One. Choose one of two:
1.) In a recent interview with
2.) How much did the Cold War affect the
Section Two. Choose one of two:
1.) Revisionist scholars speak frequently of the legacy of “Western imperialism” affecting the
2.) Frank Ninkovich, one of the country’s leading diplomatic historians, has described the 20th century as the “Wilsonian Century.” To what extent is his approach correct? Define Wilsonian ideals as they applied to the Middle East, and then analyze the issue by discussing
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Besieged LBJ and Israel
ARTHUR GOLDBERG: Of course, the poor King [Hussein] is in a hell of a box. His throat is in the . . . is there all the time.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: Yeah, I feel sorry—
GOLDBERG: There isn’t a hell of a lot more that he can do than what he’s been doing.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I feel sorry for him. Although I thought he sent us kind of a mean wire—
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: It was unnecessary.
GOLDBERG: Yes. Yes. I feel sorry for him.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I lost—I felt sorry for him, but I lost a little of my sympathy with his reply to my wire the other night, asking him to . . .
GOLDBERG: Yeah. Yes. Well, you know, they—
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: You saw my wire and his reply, didn’t you?
GOLDBERG: No, I did not see that.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: Well, when they [the State Department] sent the wire, they told Israel that this was disastrous.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: It was pretty strong. I cut out a word or two of their mean wire to ‘em. I said, “Are we wiring Jordan to watch them to watch these terrorist activities?” They said no. I said, “Well, why not?” Well, they didn’t—this and that. I said, “Let’s just send them both a wire? If you’re going to wire one of them, let’s send them both a wire.”
So they sent them a wire. Eshkol came back with two pages, and said they’re bombing his kids, and they were doing all these other things, and everything’s provocative. He didn’t—he didn’t justify what he’d done, but he at least explained what motivated him.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: And was pretty reasoning to me.
And the goddamn King wired me back and said, “Go to hell.”
GOLDBERG: Well, you know the Arabs are impossible down here. I have to have the patience of a saint to deal with them. They always keep referring to our domestic events.
GOLDBERG: And I have to slap ‘em down. They’re . . . a terribly emotional bunch.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: You’re the only man I know that’s got as mean a type of assignment as I have. And I don’t know how you do it as well as you do. I just honestly don’t.
But . . . I sure as hell want to be careful, and not run out on little Israel.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: If they—because they haven’t got many friends in the world.
GOLDBERG: I know they haven’t.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: They’re in about the same shape I am. And the closer I got—I face adversity, the closer I get to them.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: Because I got a bunch of Arabs after me—about a hundred million of ‘em, and there’s just two million of us. [Chuckles; Goldberg joins in.] So I can understand them a little bit.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: And I don’t want—there’s nobody fussing at me, nobody raising hell with me. Nobody, not one human’s called me about it.
I just . . . my State Department, sometimes—I just want to be damn sure that I don’t wind up here getting in the shape Eisenhower did, where I want to put sanctions on ‘em—
GOLDBERG: Well, we’re never going to put sanctions on—
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: The only people they got in the world, that they got faith in, I think, [i]s me and you. I was down there at the ranch, and I looked at ‘em, and I . . .
They don’t know when they’re going to be run over; they don’t know when they’re going to die; they don’t know when those goddamn Russians are going to come in there. They don’t know anything.
And the only thing they got is a little hope, and a prayer, and a wing . . . for me, if my heart keeps beating. And I don’t want ‘em to look back and say, “Well, he got to limber tail, and he ran,” and so forth.
Now, I’ve been hard and tough with them. I haven’t given them their Phantoms.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I haven’t done this or that. But I just—I’m damn sure going to give them to ‘em, because I want the Russians to quit arming, and agree to file up there [at the UN] with you-all what they do arm, and they cut back on their ABM.
And if they’re not going to do any of it, and they’re going to continue to pour arms in there, I want to make them take the consequences of their actions—and I’m going to stick it up of Israel’s bottom just as much as I’ve got.
GOLDBERG: Amen to that.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: Well, that’s what I’m going to do.
GOLDBERG: Yeah, well—
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I didn’t tell them [the Israelis] that. I just told them I wasn’t going to—
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I wasn’t going to be responsible. But that’s what I’m going to do!
PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I said, “You don’t need to worry if they [the Soviets] keep arming them [the Arabs]. I’m not going to let you just stay there and let you get eaten up, like the little boy that the calf was playing with. And his daddy walked out and saw him, and caught him. And he said, ‘Bobby, you just going to stay there, and let the calf eat me up?’” [The President chuckles.]
GOLDBERG: Mm-hmm. Well, there you’re absolutely, a thousand percent right.
Conference Program
Sunday, 25.5
14:00-14:30 Welcoming and Opening Remarks
Dany Leviatan, Rector,
14:30-16:00 Session I
Introduction: Theoretical Perspectives
Chairperson - David Vital (
From a Bipolar World to a Unipolar One: International Efforts to Resolve Local Conflicts
Rajan Menon (
'The Responsibility to Protect': An Idea Worth Considering for Managing Local Conflict?
Yossi Beilin (Knesset Member)
The Interface between Academia and Practice in the Context of Conflict Resolution
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Session II
The Cold War and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Chairperson – Gabriel Gorodetsky (
Galia Golan (The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya)
Avraham Ben-Zvi (The
Between Comprehensiveness and Step-by-Step:
The Carter Administration: From a Comprehensive Peace to a Separate One
Monday, 26.5
09:30-11:00 Session III
From the Cold War to a New World Order: The Middle East, 1980-2007
Chairperson –
Robert David (KC) Johnson (
The Reagan-Bush Administrations and the
Shibley Telhami (
The George W. Bush Administration and the
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:30 Session IV
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Web of Regional and International Politics:
Local Perspectives
Chairperson –
Samir Hulileh (
In Search for Peace and Justice: A Palestinian Perspective Towards the Role of the International Community
Israeli Perspective
Shlomo Brom (The Institute for National Security Studies)
Managing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Local Actors' Response to International Policing
Yossi Kostiner (
Mediation by Local Powers:
13:00-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:30 Session V
Chairperson –
Jean-Pierre Filiu (Sciences Po,
Reflections on French Experiences in the
The EU and its Efforts to Resolve the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-19:00 Session VI
Diplomatic Round-Table
Chairperson -
Saeb Erakat (chief Palestinian negotiator)
Tuesday, 27.5
09:30-11:00 Session VII
Conflict-Resolution Efforts in Post-Cold War
Chairperson - Rafi Vago (
James Gow (King's College,
International Engagement and the Yugoslav War of Dissolution
Dimitri Trenin (Carnegie Foundation,
Conflicts in
External Mediation and Internal Ownership – The
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:30 Session VIII
Peace-Keeping Operations
Chairperson – Kobi Michael (The Jerusalem Institute for
Efrat Elron (
The Evolution of Peace Operations: From the Cold War to the Global Era
European Union Crisis Management in the Western Balkans: Policy Objectives, Capabilities and Effectiveness
Chen Kertcher (
Same Agenda, Different Results: the UN peacekeeping in
The Effectiveness of Peace-Keeping Forces: The Israeli Experience
13:00-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:30 Session IX
Military Intervention and Democratization: Global Order and the Radical Islamist Challenge
Chairperson - Bruce Maddy-Weitzman (The
Marvin G. Weinbaum (Middle East Institute, Washington. D.C.)
Lost Faith, Forfeited Trust: Afghan Responses to Post-9/11 International Intervention
in State-Building and Insurgency
Michael Eisenstadt (The Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
Military Intervention, Political Violence and Transitional Democratic Politics in
Military Intervention and Democratization: Global Order and the Radical Islamic Challenge in
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:30 Concluding Session
Chairperson -
Rajan Menon (
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
LBJ & Israel Tapes
Abe Feinberg--Track Two
Dean Rusk--Track Three
Abraham Ribicoff--Track Four
Arthur Goldberg--Track Five
Dean Rusk--Track Six
Walt Rostow--Track Seven
Bill Fulbright--Track Eight
Dwight Eisenhower--Track Nine
Dwight Eisenhower--Track Ten
Everett Dirksen--Track Eleven
Bill Fulbright--Track 12
Russell Long--Track 13
Arthur Goldberg--Track 14
Everett Dirksen--Track 15
Arthur Goldberg--Track 16
Gale McGee--Track 17
Monday, May 5, 2008
May 5 Notes
Beyond 2002
May 5, 2008
1. 2000 (
2. Early Bush (Powell/Rice/Rumsfeld; role of Tenet & Mineta; bureaucratic divisions; Cheney?)
3. After 9/11 (9/11 and Saddam;
II. Path to War
1. Domestic Response to 9/11 (Guantánamo and constitutional theories; failure to capture bin Laden; Patriot Act and civil liberties; Yoo and unitary executive theory; Lieberman and Homeland Security Department; Rove and political issues—Chambliss/Cleland race)
2. Run-up (sanctions and international diplomacy; Clinton and Iraq Liberation Act; significant obstacles: Shinseki; Turks and Kurdistan; French/German hostility; role of
3. Rationale (schisms between Old Bush and New Bush; rationales: Tenet, Powell, and WMDs; neocons and democracy; Rumsfeld as test case; Cheney and Chalabi, Office of Special Plans and undoing excesses of 1970s; Rice)
4. National Response (New York Times and flawed coverage; role of Pincus and Hersh; divisions among Democrats; significance of Powell)
III. War & Consequences
1. Conflict (“Coalition of the Willing”: significance of Turkish refusal, role of Eastern Europe; Iranian question; from WMD’s and Republican Guard to fedayeen—Franks’ difficulty in adjusting; embedding press and
2. Aftermath of War (looting; lessons of Balkans vs. Bush hostility to Clinton policies & Rumsfeld drawn-down approach; Wolfowitz and lack of contingency planning; Tommy Franks; difficulties of fedayeen; did a chance of success exist?)
3. Difficulties of Nation-Building (Garner, Franks, and start of insurgency; Garner/Bremer dispute and De-Baathification; Bremer qualifications; Moqtadr al-Sadr, Abu Ghraib: who’s in charge?; gap between abstraction and policy outcomes)
4. War on the Home Front (anti-European sentiment; superficial regional knowledge; Rove and domestic politics: “mission accomplished” banner; Democratic divisions—Dean vs. Kerry; Plame leak and calls for special prosecutor; administration response; response of the press;
5. Beyond Iraq (Iran: from Axis of Evil speech to confrontation over nuclear weapons; Saudi Arabia: limits of friendship?; Israel: U.S. and the Lebanon war; road to Annapolis; Syria: congressional engagement—Pelosi, Specter—vs. administration stand-offishness; Turkey: containing the Kurds and Islamist movement; Egypt: foreign aid and leverage; Afghanistan: limits of U.S. leverage?; fringes of region—Pakistan, Somalia; cultural diplomacy: lessons of Al-Jazeera)